Eksporter tabell


Scope 1 og 2 Scope 3
Energy consumption and mix Unit Location-based (IEA)
Norge Sverige Danmark Norge Total
1 Fuel consumption from coal and coal products MWh - -
2 Fuel consumption from crude oil and petroleum products MWh 25 - - - 25
3 Fuel consumption from natural gas MWh - -
4 Fuel consumption from other fossil sources MWh -
5 Consumption of purchased or aquired electricity, heat, steam and cooling from fossil sources MWh 1 587 1 471 861 13 559 17 478
6 Total fossil energy consumption MWh 1 613 1 471 861 13 559 17 503
Share of fossil sources in total energy consumption % - - - - 15 %
7 Consumption from nuclear sources MWh - - - - -
Share of consumption from nuclear sources in total energy consumption % - - - - -
8 Fuel consumption for renewable sources, including biomass (also comprising industrial and municipal waste of biologic origin, biogas, renewable hydrogen, etc.) MWh - -
9 Consumption of purchased or aquired electricity, heat, steam, and cooling from renewable sources MWh 11 422 2 659 3 552 85 106 102 740
10 The consumption of self-generated non-fuel renewable energy MWh -
11 The total renewable energy consumption MWh 11 422 2 659 3 552 85 106 102 740
Share of renewable sources in total energy consumption % 1 1 1 1 85 %
Total energy consumption MWh 13 035 4 130 4 413 98 665 120 243