Eksporter tabell


Category Description Unit Reitan Eiendom ECDE RELOG VFE REBUS CHAR DORA Total
Scope 1
Diesel (NO) liters - - 800 1 790 - - - 2 590
Scope 2
Electricity Norway kWh 537 758 6 086 709 349 833 620 159 175 541 826 439 2 011 446 10 607 884
Electricity Norway Electricity to electric boiler kWh - - - - - - 171 533 171 533
Electric vehicles
Electric car Nordic km - 5 000 - - - - 15 000 20 000
District heating location
District heating NO/Trondheim kWh - 1 145 740 21 740 - 2 776 - - 1 170 256
District cooling NO/Trondheim kWh - 6 437 - - - - - 6 437
District heating NO/Bergen kWh - - - 84 639 - - - 84 639
District heating NO/Oslo kWh - - - - - 202 449 525 666 728 115
District heating NO/Namsos kWh - - - - 42 667 - - 42 667
District heating NO/Stavanger/Sandnes kWh - - 25 835 - - - - 25 835
District heating NO/Tromso kWh - - 58 091 - - - - 58 091
District heating general
Electric heat/cooling pump Nordic (output) kWh - 52 741 - - - - - 52 741
Electric heat/cooling pump Nordic (output) Electricity to heat pump system kWh - - - - - - 57 552 57 552
Scope 3
Purchased goods and services
Building. repair and maintenance OPEX IS_51110 NOK 133 024 700 - - - - - - 133 024 700
Building. repair and maintenance OPEX IS_51120 NOK 33 100 - - - - - - 33 100
Building. repair and maintenance CAPEX_Konstruksjon av nye bygg NOK 921 000 000 - - - - - - 921 000 000
Building. repair and maintenance CAPEX_Renovering av eksisterende bygg NOK 368 000 000 - - - - - - 368 000 000
Advertising and PR OPEX IS_51180 NOK 8 907 400 - - - - - - 8 907 400
Cars OPEX IS_51190 NOK 4 022 300 - - - - - - 4 022 300
Office supplies excl. paper OPEX IS_51210 NOK 2 671 100 - - - - - - 2 671 100
Software OPEX IS_51230 NOK 18 828 400 - - - - - - 18 828 400
Insurance and brokerage OPEX IS_51240 NOK 8 437 100 - - - - - - 8 437 100
Employment services OPEX IS_51250 NOK 1 533 800 - - - - - - 1 533 800
Corrugated cardboard waste. recycled kg - 32 264 3 858 6 172 14 178 4 090 3 516 64 078
Paper waste. recycled kg - 2 420 160 1 755 - 3 388 1 076 8 798
Glass waste. recycled kg - 17 134 1 128 274 2 1 930 222 20 690
Industrial waste. incinerated kg - 71 304 9 289 14 095 2 859 12 260 40 132 149 939
Wood waste. incinerated kg - 5 624 1 650 - - 73 1 557 8 905
Plastic LDPE waste. recycled kg - 1 143 226 97 51 62 179 1 758
Plastic packaging waste. recycled kg - 4 109 10 7 174 327 249 4 877
Plastic EPS waste. recycled kg - 722 - 77 - 2 26 826
Organic waste. anaerobic digestion kg - 22 784 535 360 1 925 5 956 1 007 32 567
Organic waste. animal feed kg - 27 104 - - - - 180 27 284
Metal waste. recycled kg - 539 516 13 - 26 103 1 196
EE waste. recycled kg - 1 710 667 47 11 337 540 3 311
Plaster waste. recycled kg - 5 469 - - - 108 583
Ceramic waste. landfill kg - 266 254 - - 7 - 526
Paint warnish waste (H). incinerated kg - 173 35 - - 1 688 897
Spray cannister waste (H). recycled kg - 33 1 - - - 4 39
Fluorescent tubes waste (H). recycled kg - 55 31 11 4 11 31 141
Batteries waste (H). recycled kg - 19 96 1 13 6 11 146
Fire extinguishers (H). recycled kg - 41 5 - - 10 - 55
Mineral oil waste. incinerated kg - - - - - - 115 115
Organic solvents (H). incinerated kg - 292 - - - - 16 308
Industrial inert waste. landfill kg - 104 874 - - - - 979
Mineral wool waste. landfill kg - 32 - - - - - 32
Wood waste. recycled kg - 207 - - - - - 207
Plastic waste. recycled kg - 49 338 16 - 245 15 662
Chemical waste (H). incinerated kg - - - - - 1 2 4
Organic sludge. recycled kg - - - 1 818 - 1 933 206 3 956
Organic sludge. composting kg - - - - - - 1 806 1 806
Concrete waste. recycled kg - - 628 - - - 472 1 100
Organic waste. composting kg - - - - - - 264 264
Plastic PE/PP waste. recycled kg - - - - - 65 5 70
Oil contaminated waste (H). incinerated kg - - - - - - 5 5
Oil filter waste (H). incinerated kg - - - - - - 4 4
Construction foam waste (H). incinerated kg - - - - - - 32 32
Hazardous waste. incinerated (Europe) kg - - - - - - 41 41
CCA impregnated wood waste (H). incinerated kg - - 234 - - - - 234
Cardboard waste. recycled kg - - 30 - - - - 30
Business travel
Air travel. continental. incl. RF pkm 8 166 19 173 3 828 4 562 322 - - 36 051
Air travel. domestic. incl. RF pkm - 22 176 - 21 092 13 225 - 7 234 63 727
Mileage all. car (NO) km 3 118 2 143 62 994 3 245 1 771 - 1 000 74 270
Mileage all. car (NO) Stryn Eiendomselskap AS km - - - 12 154 - - - 12 154
Air travel. intercontinental. incl. RF pkm 32 306 - 113 651 - - - - 145 957
Mileage all. el car Nordic km 1 330 797 - 306 1 609 - 2 000 6 043
Downstream leased assets
Water supply. municipal m3 - 76 525 27 390 28 074 - - 22 469 154 459
R-404A kg - 3 17 - - - - 19
R-407 C kg - 3 25 - 2 - - 30
R-134a kg - - 272 - - - - 272
R-744 (CO2) kg - - 6 560 - - - - 6 560
Carbon dioxide (CO2) kg - - 2 650 - - - - 2 650
R-410A kg - 4 85 - - 1 - 90
R-717 (Ammonia) kg - - 3 000 - - - - 3 000
R-32 kg - - 6 - - - - 6
R-449A kg - - 12 - - 2 - 15
R-452A kg - 1 79 - - - - 80
R-448 A kg - - 8 - - - - 8
R-290 (Propane) kg - - 4 - - - - 4
Electricity Norway kWh - 23 938 460 16 949 748 9 246 115 8 837 058 6 219 470 13 070 042 78 260 893
Electricity Norway Electricity to electric boiler kWh - - - - - - 834 627 834 627
Electric heat/cooling pump Nordic kWh - 328 649 - - - - - 328 649
Electric heat/cooling pump Nordic Electricity to heat pump system kWh - - - - - - 269 229 269 229
District heating NO/Trondheim kWh - 6 018 725 3 791 595 - 418 712 - - 10 229 032
District cooling. renewable kWh - 21 549 - - - - - 21 549
District heating NO/Bergen kWh - - - 575 026 - - - 575 026
District heating NO/Oslo kWh - - - - - 3 847 047 3 128 891 6 975 938
District heating NO/Namsos kWh - - - - 312 890 - - 312 890
Electricity Denmark 125 kWh - - - - 4 412 828 - - 4 412 828
District heating NO/Stavanger/Sandnes kWh - - 189 454 - - - - 189 454
District heating NO/Tromso kWh - - 668 044 - - - - 668 044
District heating SE/Mjolby kWh - - 685 430 - - - - 685 430
Electricity Sweden kWh - - 3 444 283 - - - - 3 444 283
Wood waste. incinerated kg - 17 035 346 980 255 2 910 662 9 113 376 954
Corrugated cardboard waste. recycled kg - 104 033 627 722 562 347 848 674 44 410 18 784 2 205 970
Paper waste. recycled kg - 8 517 9 158 9 503 - 22 248 11 749 61 175
Glass waste. recycled kg - 56 326 23 522 1 017 5 688 21 152 1 478 109 183
Plastic LDPE waste. recycled kg - 3 605 103 305 11 857 18 023 557 1 026 138 373
Plastic packaging waste. recycled kg - 14 476 74 325 3 643 15 854 3 443 1 346 113 086
Plastic EPS waste. recycled kg - 2 425 - 102 - 68 145 2 740
Industrial waste. incinerated kg - 242 179 679 543 256 731 243 985 117 754 233 005 1 773 197
Organic waste. anaerobic digestion kg - 84 098 132 808 13 747 129 117 75 948 4 953 440 671
Organic waste. animal feed kg - 98 370 16 200 - 1 305 - 1 020 116 895
Metal waste. recycled kg - 2 192 183 349 1 142 3 550 510 647 191 389
EE waste. recycled kg - 8 419 67 278 3 183 3 810 2 395 3 120 88 206
Plaster waste. recycled kg - 61 36 521 - - - 612 37 194
Ceramic waste. landfill kg - 905 71 556 - - 133 - 72 595
Paint warnish waste (H). incinerated kg - 742 2 702 - - 81 3 898 7 422
Spray cannister waste (H). recycled kg - 141 282 - - 1 24 447
Fluorescent tubes waste (H). recycled kg - 247 560 884 808 34 178 2 711
Batteries waste (H). recycled kg - 89 7 984 42 1 117 51 76 9 358
Fire extinguishers (H). recycled kg - 149 66 - - 131 - 347
Mineral oil waste. incinerated kg - 1 15 649 - - - 649 16 298
Organic solvents (H). incinerated kg - 955 6 - - 1 92 1 053
Industrial inert waste. landfill kg - 349 23 476 - - - - 23 824
Mineral wool waste. landfill kg - 80 - - - - - 80
Plastic waste. recycled kg - 166 58 992 2 854 - 4 395 86 66 494
Chemical waste (H). incinerated kg - 36 241 - - 4 13 294
Wood waste. recycled kg - 729 68 960 - - 900 - 70 589
Organic sludge. recycled kg - - - 6 682 - 42 908 1 165 50 754
Organic sludge. composting kg - - 950 - - - 9 784 10 734
Concrete waste. recycled kg - - 15 072 - - - 3 938 19 010
Organic waste. composting kg - - - - 435 - 1 236 1 671
Plastic PE/PP waste. recycled kg - - - - - 199 26 224
Oil contaminated waste (H). incinerated kg - - 2 161 - - 600 28 2 789
Oil filter waste (H). incinerated kg - - - - - - 20 20
Construction foam waste (H). incinerated kg - - 20 - - - 182 202
Hazardous waste. incinerated (Europe) kg - - - - - - 230 230
Cardboard waste. recycled kg - - 2 080 - - - - 2 080
Acidic waste (H). incinerated kg - - 64 - - - - 64
Metal aluminium waste. recycled kg - - 2 760 - - - - 2 760
Soil non-contaminated. landfill kg - - 3 500 - - - - 3 500
CCA impregnated wood waste (H). incinerated kg - - 8 046 - - - - 8 046
Fuel waste (H). incinerated kg - - 163 - - - - 163
Water supply. municipal m3 - 19 209 182 1 821 15 972 37 280 4 096 78 559
Water supply. Municipal m3 - 76 525 27 390 28 074 - - 22 469 154 459
Total water 2023 - 95 734 27 572 29 895 15 972 37 280 26 565 233 018
Total water 2022 1 414 109 504 13 943 20 742 5 197 6 653 28 240 185 693
Change −100 % −13 % 98 % 44 % 207 % 460 % −6 % 25 %