Eksporter tabell


Category Description Unit Reitan Eiendom ECDE RELOG VFE REBUS CHAR DORA Total
Scope 1
Diesel (NO) MWh - - 8 18 - - - 25
Transportation Total MWh - - 8 18 - - - 25
Scope 1 Total MWh - - 8 18 - - - 25
Scope 2
Electricity Norway MWh 538 6 087 350 620 176 826 2 011 10 608
Electricity Norway Electricity to electric boiler MWh - - - - - - 172 172
Electricity Total MWh 538 6 087 350 620 176 826 2 183 10 779
Electric vehicles
Electric car Nordic MWh - 1 - - - - 3 4
Electric vehicles Total MWh - 1 - - - - 3 4
District heating location
District heating NO/Trondheim MWh - 1 146 22 - 3 - - 1 170
District cooling NO/Trondheim MWh - 6 - - - - - 6
District heating NO/Bergen MWh - - - 85 - - - 85
District heating NO/Oslo MWh - - - - - 202 526 728
District heating NO/Namsos MWh - - - - 43 - - 43
District heating NO/Stavanger/Sandnes MWh - - 26 - - - - 26
District heating NO/Tromso MWh - - 58 - - - - 58
District heating location Total MWh - 1 152 106 85 45 202 526 2 116
District heating general
Electric heat/cooling pump Nordic (output) MWh - 53 - - - - - 53
Electric heat/cooling pump Nordic (output) Electricity to heat pump system MWh - - - - - - 58 58
District heating general Total MWh - 53 - - - - 58 110
Scope 2 Total MWh 538 7 293 456 705 221 1 029 2 769 13 010
TOTAL EMISSIONS (SCOPE 1 + 2 + 3) MWh 538 7 293 463 722 221 1 029 2 769 13 035
GJ 1 936 26 253 1 668 2 600 796 3 704 9 969 46 926
Scope 1 renewable energy MWh - - 1 3 - - - 4
Scope 1 renewable energy share % 0 % 0 % 17 % 17 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 17 %
Scope 2 renewable energy (Location-based) MWh 517 6 382 383 641 211 890 2 393 11 417
Scope 2 renewable energy share (Location-based) % 96 % 88 % 84 % 91 % 95 % 87 % 86 % 88 %
Total renewable energy (Location-based) MWh 517 6 382 385 644 211 890 2 393 11 422
Total renewable energy share (Location-based) % 96 % 88 % 83 % 89 % 95 % 87 % 86 % 88 %
Scope 2 renewable energy (Market-based) MWh - 527 47 44 42 95 293 1 047
Scope 2 renewable energy share (Market-based) % 0 % 7 % 10 % 6 % 19 % 9 % 11 % 8 %
Total renewable energy (Market-based) MWh - 527 48 47 42 95 293 1 052
Total renewable energy share (Market-based) % 0 % 7 % 10 % 7 % 19 % 9 % 11 % 8 %